Keeping Dylan Healthy Series
Dylan's Big Surprise at the Doctor

About The Book
DYLAN’S BIG SURPRISE AT THE DOCTOR is a heartwarming story about a young boy who is terribly afraid of going to the doctor to get shots. He is even more concerned that his favorite nurse will not be there to cheer him up. The story highlights an appreciation for nurses and the pivotal role they play during a child’s doctor’s visit.
Audience 4-7
No Fear
Dylan was not looking forward to getting shots at his upcoming doctor’s visit. His nerves had gotten the best of him and there was only one hope for a tantrum-free visit: his favorite nurse. Nurse Jennie!

Dylan, like many kids his age, was very reluctant to go to the doctor, because he knew it was a day for shots. He tried everything to keep from going but ended up right there, in the lobby, waiting his turn. He really hoped that his favorite nurse would be there.

Only his favorite nurse could calm his fears. Nurse Jennie had a way with children.
She could always find a way to shift the focus off of the visit and like magic, fear would disappear. But, would she be there? Would she be too
busy with other kids and not have a chance to see Dylan?

Follow along with Dylan as he goes to the doctor. The staff at the doctor’s office has planned a special surprise.
Dylan will soon learn that he is not alone and that there is no reason to be fearful of the not-so-scary-shots.